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mercredi 2 juin 2010

A placer

Encore un chien à placer....
Mégabyte, adorable boxer de 14 mois, cherche famillle contre bons soins.
Ses vaccins sont à jour. Elle est placée pour raisons professionnelles.
Elle est sociable, facile et obéissante.
Encore une fois, faites passer.... Merci pour elle!

jeudi 27 mai 2010

Coup de pouce

Une cliente sympa et dynamique qui se lance dans l'aide à la vie quotidienne des personnes agées : toilettes, repas, aides aux démarches administratives.
CLAIRE SERVICES 06 10 65 94 45

Clin d'oeil

Mathilde et Guillaume dans 'chéri, j'ai rétréci les gosses!' ;))

mercredi 26 mai 2010

Livre d'or

Voici la participation au livre d'or de Mégabyte, Natalia et Corinne :

"Hello, my name is Mlle. Megabyte ! I was born in march 2009 and came to live in the Haute-Savoie. I was a cute little puppy and my owners loved me very much. Unfortunately I was somewhat unruly and not terribly obedient, preferring to run around with other dogs instead of listening to my little mistress. This was all very fine – until I turned into this monster by the time I was 9 months old: 

My mistress was only 12 years old so I didn’t need to obey her at all. I became the local juvenile delinquent, an invincible thug, the Scourge of the Savoies, knowing that, with my face, and my magnificent physique, no-one would dare to oppose me. Even the wolves would run for it when I appeared out of the snowstorm. Mothers gathered up their children in panic as I strutted along the pavement, owners would scoop up their small dogs to prevent them being swallowed whole. But one day I was sent for an education – to the Université des Chiens… and I met a very ferocious young lady by the name of Agnès. She had a lot of authority, did Agnès, and I soon learned not to disobey because, if I did, I would be wrestled to the ground by the scruff of my neck and shouted at ! I learned to enjoy my lessons, meeting lots of canine friends, and began to follow the orders of my little mistress. By the time I graduated in may 2010, I was relatively obedient –not exactly the best in the class, but not the dumbest either